Load a third party library with the YUI Loader

Today, I wanted to load a third party JavaScript library in a project based on the YUI framework. The most obvious way of doing that is to statically include the library with a regular script tag and then to rely on the global variable(s) exported by it. Of course it's working but that's pity to not use the Loader included in YUI.

This topic was mentionned in the YUI Weekly for June 21st, 2013 with a demonstration of Ryan Grove on how to include Moment.js and Three.js in YUI. While Ryan's code is working well, it's not optimal because it relies on the onProgress event which is triggered each time a dynamic script tag finishes to load, so depending on the amount of modules you need, the onProgress function might be called several times. onSuccess does not have this behaviour, so here's my version based on this event:

    groups: {
        'cdnjs': {
            base : '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs',
            modules: {
                'moment' : {
                    path: '/moment.js/2.0.0/moment.min.js'
                'three': {
                    path: '/three.js/r58/three.min.js'
    onSuccess: function (e) {      
        for (var i = 0, len = e.data.length; i < len; ++i) {
            if ( e.data[i] === 'moment' ) {
                YUI.add('moment', function (Y){
                    Y.moment = moment;
            } else if ( e.data[i] === 'three' ) {
                YUI.add('three', function (Y) {
                    Y.THREE = THREE;
}).use('moment', 'three', function (Y) {
    // Y.moment and Y.THREE are available

This example is available in this JS bin and as you can see, the YUI Loader is perfectly able to load those external libraries and with the small trick in onSuccess, the dependencies are cleanly available in the YUI sandbox.